This is the short-form, technical reference for the Facebook plugin. For a more in-depth explanation of the plugin and how it works, see our User Manual article below:
Article: The Facebook plugin
Let users log in with their Facebook accounts, and fetch their Facebook profile data.
Facebook Like
This element displays a Facebook like button on the page.
Link to like
This is the link of the page you want users to like.
Choose from Like and Recommend for the verb.
Color Scheme
Choose from Light and Dark for the color scheme.
Choose from the Facebook layout options, Standard, Button_count, Button, and Box_count.
Share button
Check this box to display a share button.
Show faces
Check this box to show faces of the friends who liked the page.
Facebook Page
This element displays a Facebook Page Plugin for a Facebook page.
Page link
This is the link of the page you want the element to display.
Hide page cover
Check this box to hide the cover of the page and make the element smaller.
Show faces
Check this box to show the faces of the people who like the page.
Show posts
Check this box to display the latest posts of the page.
Send Facebook Message
This action enables users to send a Facebook message through a Facebook popup.
This is the link you want the user to share by default. It can be changed in this popup, per Facebook's policy.
Facebook user
This is the user you want users to send the message to. It should be the Facebook profile of the user and is accessible if the designated user also signed up with Facebook through the app.
App ID / API Key
Once you create an app in your Facebook developer account, open the Basic section of your app's settings to copy and paste its App ID into this field.
App Secret
In your Facebook developer account, copy your app's secret from its Basic settings and paste here.
Choose from "Simple" or "With friends" permissions. "Simple" will give you access to the user's name, email, and profile picture, for example, and "With friends" will additionally give you access to the user's list of friends. The latter option requires approval by Facebook.
Include user profile URL
This setting requires app approval by Facebook.
Use a generic redirect URL
Check this box to use the suggested redirect URL (recommended). This is the URL that Facebook will redirect to when authenticating a user.
App ID / API Key - dev
Optionally enter a development API Key. When your app is in development (version-test), Bubble will use this key.
App Secret - dev
Optionally enter a development App Secret. When your app is in development (version-test), Bubble will use this key.
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