App plan

Application plan

Bubble plans apply to a specific app. Higher plans unlock certain features as well as provide more capacity for the app. You can upgrade or downgrade your app's plan here, as well as see which features you would gain or lose in the process. In addition, any coupons you have active on your account will display here. Bubble uses Stripe to process all payments.

Capacity temporary boost

Capacity is a measure of the computing resources your app uses and the amount of capacity available to your app at any given one time depends on the plan it is on. The capacity temporary boost feature lets your app temporarily access more capacity, useful for an unexpected surge in popularity, for debugging purposes, or for experimenting with some of the capabilities of a higher plan. You have a certain number of boosts available within a given time period.

Additional capacity & storage

On certain higher app plans, you can add additional units of capacity or storage (measured in 10 GB increments) as needed.

This section of Settings will show any paid plugins that the current app is subscribed to.

Last updated

#567: Moved Plugin API from Alpha to release

Change request updated