Android/Play Store

Please note that Bubble supports publishing only to the Play Store and does not support alternative Android app stores.

Creating app in Google Play Console

Login to your developer account in the Google Play Console. There will be an option to create a new app on the Home screen once you are logged in. There are some basic fields to fill out, but all of this can be changed later if needed.

Log in to your developer account in the Google Play Console. Once logged in, you'll see the option to create a new app on the Home screen. You'll need to fill out some basic information, but don't worry—these details can be edited later if necessary.

Creating a Google Cloud Project

Your login for the Google Play Console will be the same as your Google Play developer account. If you've previously used a Google API (like Google Maps), you might already have a project set up in the Google Cloud Console. However, it's often a good idea to create a new project specifically for your mobile app, separate from any existing apps or projects.

To create a new project, click on the Project dropdown at the top left of the Google Cloud Console and select the option to create a new project. This project will be essential for completing later steps in the build process and for interacting with any Google APIs and services your app might use in the future.

Keeping your projects organized can help ensure that any API keys, billing, and other app-specific resources are cleanly managed.

Generating a Keystore

What is a keystore?

A keystore is a file that contains security credentials, such as cryptographic keys, for signing your mobile app. It ensures that the app is from a trusted source and has not been tampered with. The keystore file you create is crucial for future updates to your app—if you lose it, you won’t be able to submit updates to the store.

Generating the keystore

The keystore file you generate during this step will be used to fill out the Code signing key, Code signing key alias, and Code signing key password in the Mobile settings subtab. Note: Generating a keystore requires using your computer’s command line (e.g., Terminal on Mac or Command Prompt on Windows). If you're not familiar with it, don't worry—it looks more intimidating than it really is!

  1. Open your computer’s command line interface. On a mac, it is called Terminal and is located in your Applications folder. On Windows, this is known as the Command shell or cmd.exe

  2. Paste the following command into Terminal. Before you press Enter, change KEY_ALIAS to something you will remember (ex. appname_keys). To change this value, backspace to delete KEY_ALIAS and then start typing. You cannot use your mouse to move the cursor, only the keyboard arrows. keytool -genkeypair -v -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -validity 10000 -keystore KEYSTORE_OUTPUT_FILE.keystore -alias KEY_ALIAS

  1. Hit enter. The terminal will respond with some basic questions and ask you to generate a password for this keystore. Hitting enter will “submit” your responses. Be sure to use something you can remember and write it down somewhere as you will need it in later steps.

    1. Note: When typing in the password, the characters will not appear on the screen for security reasons.

  2. You may get a warning about migrating to a different format for the keystore. If you do, follow the instructions provided. You will need your keystore password for this step.

  3. Your keystore file has now been saved to your computer, and is ready to be uploaded to the Bubble settings page. If you want to move the file from the root directory, you can always move it by using the following command…

mv KEYSTORE_OUTPUT_FILE.keystore Documents

…where Documents is the destination folder.

Last updated