Data API requests
The different resources availabe in the Bubble Data API.
This core reference entry is suited for advanced-level builders.
This is the short-form reference entry for the different request types of the Bubble Data API. Each request uses an HTTP method. To learn more about what an HTTP method is from a more technical perspective, check out our guide on How RESTful APIs work and HTTP methods specifically. We also have an in-depth guide on the Data API and on the different Data API requests.
Retrieve record by ID
You can retrieve a thing by sending a GET request with the record’s Unique ID. Use the endpoint below, where the parts in bold are replaced with the relevant strings from your application:
Query Parameters
The unique ID of the record
You can retrieve a thing by sending a GET request with the record’s Unique ID. Use the endpoint below, where the parts in bold are replaced with the relevant strings from your application:
Errors and solutions
Possible solutions for error 404:
Check that the data type is active in the Data API settings
If this is the live environment of your app, check that the settings have been deployed
Check that the full unique ID is included in the URL
Check that there is an existing record with that unique ID in your application
Check that you are using the URL of the right branch of your application
Make changes to a Thing by ID
Save changes to the fields of a database record identified by its unique ID.
Request Body
The field to change and new value. Must match field type.
No body
You can make changes to a thing by sending a PATCH request with the record’s Unique ID.
The body of the request should be a JSON object with a list of keys and values to modify. The keys should match the names of the keys returned via a GET request, and the values need to be correctly formatted.
Privacy Rules
For this request to work, the Modify via API privacy settings must be active on the relevant data type. The privacy rule will be checked both before the modification to confirm that the user has permission to modify this thing, and after the modification to confirm that the modification was valid. We do not permit a user to modify a thing in a way that would take away that user's ability to perform further modifications.
Errors and solutions
Possible solutions for error 400 (field(s) not found):
Check that the field name is correct and correctly formatted
Check that there are no duplicate field name(s)
Possible solutions for error 401 (not authorized):
Check that you are including the right credentials in the authentication, such as the bearer token
Check that the Modify via API box is checked in the relevant Privacy Rules in your app
Possible solutions for error 404 (record not found):
Check that the Find this in searches box is checked in the relevant Privacy Rules in in your app
Check that the data type is active in the Data API settings
Check that the Create via API box is checked in the relevant privacy rules in your app
If this is the live environment of your app, check that the settings have been deployed
Check that the full unique ID is included in the URL
Check that there is an existing record with that unique ID in your application
Check that you are using the URL of the right branch of your application
Replace a Thing by ID
Overwrite all editable fields on a Thing by its unique ID
Request Body
The field to change and new value. Must match field type.ld
You can make changes to a thing by sending a PUT request with the record’s Unique ID.
The body of the request should be a JSON object with a list of keys and values to modify. The keys should match the names of the keys returned via a GET request, and the values need to be correctly formatted.
The PUT HTTP method will overwrite all editable fields on a record. Any field that is not given a new value will be left empty or reset to the default value they are given in the Data Type editor. To make changes to selected fields without overwriting other fields, use the Make changes to a thing by ID request.
Non-editable fields
The following fields cannot be changed:
Unique ID (not replaced)
Created date (not replaced)
Modified date (automatically updated)
Privacy Rules
For this request to work, the Modify via API setting in the Thing's Privacy Rule must be active. The privacy rule will be checked both before the modification to confirm that the user has permission to modify this thing, and after the modification to confirm that the modification was valid. We do not permit a user to modify a thing in a way that would take away that user's ability to perform further modifications.
Errors and solutions
Possible solutions for error 400 (field not found):
Check that there are no duplicate field name(s)
Check that the field name is correct and correctly formatted
Possible solutions for error 400 (field not found):
Check that the data type is active in the Data API settings
If this is the live branch of your app, check that the settings have been deployed
Check that the full unique ID is included in the URL
Check that there is an existing record with that unique ID in your application
Check that you are using the URL of the right branch of your application
Check that the Create via API box is checked in the relevant Privacy Rules in your app
Possible solutions for error 401 (not authorized):
Check that you are including the right credentials in the authentication, such as the bearer token
Check that the Modify via API box is checked in the relevant Privacy Rules in your app
Delete a Thing
Delete a thing by sending a DELETE request with the record’s Unique ID.
Privacy Rules
For this request to work, the Delete via API setting must be active on the relevant data type's Privacy Rules.
Errors and solutions
Possible solutions to error 404 (record not found):
Check that the data type is active in the Data API settings
If this is the live branch of your app, check that the settings have been deployed
Check that the full unique ID is included in the URL
Check that there is an existing record with that unique ID in your application
Check that you are using the URL of the right branch of your application
Check that the Delete via API box is checked in the relevant privacy rules in your app
Possible solutions to error 401 (not authorized):
Check that you are including the right credentials in the authentication, such as the bearer token
Check that the Delete via API box is checked in the relevant Privacy Rules in your app
Create a Thing
The body of the request should be a JSON object containing the details you want to save on the new Thing. The keys should match the names of the keys returned via a GET request for that type of thing, and the values should be correctly formatted.
Request Body
The field to change and new value. Must match field type.
The body of the request should be a JSON object containing the details you want to save on the new Thing. The keys should match the names of the keys returned via a GET request for that type of thing, and the values should be correctly formatted.
Automatically created fields and default values:
Bubble will automatically create the following fields and their value cannot be overridden:
Unique ID
Created date
Modified date
All fields that have a default value set in the data type editor will be given that default value if another value is not provided in the request.
Creating users
If you are creating a new user, there are two built-in special fields that are not present on other data types:
Email (required)
Password (optional)
This method creates a User in the database, but does not return any authentication token for that User. If you are looking to create or log in as a User in order to authenticate them as an API client, you may be interested in the article below: Article: Authenticating as a User with the Bubble API
Privacy Rules
For this request to work, the Create via API privacy setting must be active on the relevant data type. The privacy rule will be checked on the new data for the thing, and the creation attempt will be rejected if Bubble does not find a matching privacy rule that allows the creation to happen.
Errors and solutions
Possible solutions for error 401 (not authorized):
Check that the Create via API box is checked in the relevant Privacy Rules in your app
Check that you are including the right credentials in the authentication, such as the bearer token
Bulk create Things
The body of the request should be formatted as a text document with one new object to create per line. The objects should be in JSON format without any newlines. The keys and values should be the same as when creating a single Thing.
{"key1": “value”, "key2": “value”}
{"key1": “value”, "key2": “value”}
You can create a list of new things in a bulk operation by sending a POST request to the /typename/bulk endpoint. The body of the request should be formatted as a text document with one new object to create per line. The objects should be in JSON format without any newlines. The keys and values should be the same as when creating a single thing.
The keys should match the names of the keys returned via a GET request for that type of thing, and the values should be correctly formatted.
The maximum number of items that can be created via a single bulk request is currently 1,000. There is also a limit of 4 minutes for the request to complete; if it takes longer than 4 minutes, items that have not yet been created will be marked as errors in the response.
The creation speed and risk of timeout depends on the available capacity that your application has as well as the size of the items that you are creating.
Caution: Bulk creation can consume a lot of application capacity, so we recommend that if your app is being used in production and capacity is limited, that you test bulk creation in smaller chunks and work your way up.
Privacy Rules
Using this endpoint requires the Create via API permission. The Privacy Rule will be checked on the new data for each new thing, and the creation attempt will be rejected if Bubble does not find a matching privacy rule that allows the creation to happen. If some things are rejected and some are accepted, the accepted items will be created.
The response body from this call is a text/plain document with one line per thing in the original request. Each line consists of a JSON object, with a 'status' field indicating whether or not the creation was successful. On success, the status will be 'success', and the object will contain an 'id' field with the id of the newly-created object.
Errors and solutions
Possible solutions to error 400 (wrong content-type):
Make sure that the Content-type in the Header is set to text/plain.
Possible solutions to error 400 (Could not parse as JSON): This error is returned on each row where the JSON could not be parsed.
Make sure that the JSON is correctly formatted
To check the formatting of JSON you can use a tool like JSON checker External link:
Server error or timeout error
Under certain circumstances, like an overall system failure or the app being completely out of capacity, you may get a generic error response that does not have individual lines for each object.
Possible solutions to server error or timeout error:
If you get a generic error response, try the following:
Check Bubble’s status page for any server downtime
Check your application’s capacity chart to see if you may have spent all your capacity
Check the Bubble forum for any threads about similar problems
Get in touch with Bubble support
Get a list of Things
Search for and retrieve a list of a given data type with or without constraints.
Query Parameters
The key to which you want to apply the constraint and
constraint type
The type of constraint to apply
The value the constraint should compare to
Start from item #
Show item until #
The field you want to sort by
Don't count all remaining items
The constraints parameter should be an array of constraints that include the parameters above.
Add parameters directly in the URL as a query strings. It can be limit, cursor (Pagination), constraints (Search constraints), sort_field, and descending (Sorting options).
Constraint examples
You can narrow down the list returned by the Data API to match specific constraints, just like with Do a search for in Bubble. The constraints parameter should be an array of constraints that include the following:
Value example
Unitname, unitnumber
equals, greater than
Unit A, 3
Constraint types
equals or not equal
Use to test strict equality
All field types
is_empty or is_not_empty
Use to test whether a thing's given field is empty or not
All field types
text contains or not text contains
Use to test whether a text field contains a string. Text contains will not respect partial words that are .
Text fields only
greater than or less than
Use to compare a thing's field value relative to a given value
Text, number, and date fields
in or not in
Use to test whether a thing's field is in a list or not for all field types.
All field types
contains or not contains
Use to test whether a list field contains an entry or not for list fields only.
List fields only
empty or not empty
Use to test whether a list field is empty or not for list fields only.
List fields only
Use to test if the current thing is within a radius from a central address. To use this, the value sent with the constraint must have an address and a range.
In this example, we will send a request to search for a unit by the name ‘Unit A’ using the following two constraints:
unitname, unitnumber
contains, greater than
Unit A, 3
The URL below represents the URL before URL-encoding:
After applying URL encoding, the same URL should look like this:
In the response, Bubble will supply two values to aid in pagination:
Cursor: the rank of the first item in the list
Count: the number of items in the current response
Remaining: the number of records left
By default, GET requests are sorted by their creation date. The Bubble Data API supports the sort_field and descending parameter.
Sort_field: the field you want to sort by
Descending (true/false)
To define more than one sorting field, add an array additional_sort_fields, which should contain objects of the similar type as above, i.e., with sort_field and descending.
Errors and solutions
Suggested solutions to error 404 (incompatible constraint type)
Check that the field type you are applying the constraint to and the constraint type are compatible
Check that the constraint type is spelled correctly
There is a limit of 50,000 items in any GET request, meaning that if a database contains 100,000 items and the cursor is set at 50,001 no results will be returned
For the Enterprise plan the limit is 10,000,000 items
Manual entries
You may find these entries from our manual useful to get a deeper understanding of how the Bubble API works:
Last updated
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