Understanding workload

Before diving into tracking and optimizing your app’s workload, we recommend getting to know the fundamentals. This section provides an overview of how workload is calculated, what factors contribute to it, and how it influences your choice of pricing plans.

Why is it important to understand workload?

Workload activity types

We track a total of 12 different activity types that each contribute to the total workload of the current month. In this article, we'll look at these different activity types.

Article: Activity types

Introduction to the workload calculation

In this article, we'll have a look at the basic logic of workload, one how different activities in your app each have an entry cost and a calculation of its final WU cost, depending on its attributes.

Article: The workload calculation

Client-side and server-side processing

Client-side and server-side processing refer to where tasks are completed: on the user’s device (client-side) or on the server (server-side).

Because the two sides work closely together, understanding how different processes can be performed on one side or both is an essential part of understanding workload. Article: Client-side and server-side processing

Pricing and plans

Bubble pricing structure is separated into different plans, ranging from the free plan to a customized enterprise plan. Each plan is designed to be relevant to different stages of your app’s life cycle, and comes with a number of monthly workload units.

Article series: Pricing and plans

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